A Faith Community Nurse assess individual and congregational health concerns and serve in the following capacities to identify needs:
Health Counselor: Discuss individual health needs regarding illness, medication, prevention, wellness and give reassurance during times of concern or crisis
Educator: Promote the relationship between faith, health, attitudes and lifestyle choices through bulletin articles, literature and health education programs.
Advocate: Identify the medically under-insured, indigent, or members of the congregation or community who need support for decision making about healthcare issues.
Liaison: Connect congregational members to appropriate services and resources within the community and agencies.
Trainer: Recruit and supervise volunteers in health and pastoral ministries and provide information/training/education to assist them in their role.
Healer: Facilitate a whole person approach to healing of the body, mind and spirit through presence and prayer
Hope’s Faith Community Nurse is Full Time and provides 1:1 home, hospital, assisted living, skilled nursing/rehabilitation and hospice visitation as needed by appointment. Hope Lutheran’s Faith Community Nurse is affiliated with Lee Health Faith Community Nurse Program in Lee County.
Faith Community Nurse: Tina Browning, BSN, RN
(Work) 239-227-2065